Ice Cube Recipes
We love sharing our recipes and ideas with you. But we know that everyone does things their own way, and you probably have some amazing ideas we would never think of.
If you have a cool recipe, or way that you use your Goliath Ice product, tell us about it and we’ll share it here so everyone can enjoy it!
Recipe Of The Week

Giant Fruit Juice Cubes
This recipe is a great way to chill a drink and at the same time add some fruity flavour. Downloadable Recipe Card Recipe Style Guide They even taste great by themselves, so you can use them as a stylised ‘frozen cube’ dessert! What you need: 1 x Mammoth Cubes Tray...
Our Recipes
Fresh Mint Leaves in Giant Clear Ice Cubes
Boost your summer drinks with giant fresh mint ice cubes!.Downloadable Recipe Card Recipe Style Card These fresh mint leaf cubes looks really attractive in pitchers while also adding a fabulous minty punch. What You Need: 1 x Mammoth Cubes Tray A bunch of fresh mint...
Decorative & Fragrant Lavender Cubes in Clear Ice
There’s nothing like a nice cold crisp drink of water on a hot summers day. But you can make it even better!Downloadable Recipe Card Recipe Style Guide Add some decoration and light fragrance to your summer thirst-quencher… Get a pitcher, fill it with water and chuck...
Edible Flowers in Giant Clear Ice Cubes
Edible flowers are a great way to give your cubes some real pop! The colours and delicate shapes suspended in ice just look amazing.Downloadable Recipe Card Recipe Style Guide You can find all kinds of edible flowers online and often in some super markets. Tip: When...
Preserve Herbs in Frozen Oil Cubes
Do you love to cook with herbs?Downloadable Recipe Card Recipe Style Guide Do you hate it when your fresh cut herbs go bad before you use them? Mammoth Cubes to the rescue!! ….. Here’s a great trick for preserving your cut herbs using your Mammoth Cubes tray: Simply...
Halloween Giant Bloodshot Eyeball Ice Cubes
Halloween is always a fun time, so here's our Halloween themed ice cube recipe! Downloadable Recipe Card Recipe Style Guide What you will need: Mammoth Cubes giant ice cube tray Peeler or paring knife Optional: small melon baller Ingredients: Medium sized green olives...